Much Ado About Martha

Musician Martha Redbone pushes the boundaries between genre, culture and medium, creating a blend rooted in tradition, yet all her own.

If I Forget Thee, O Earth: afterimages

Step into the spacey desert world of Next Forever resident Kate Douglas’s play-in-progress IF I FORGET THEE, O EARTH through an artist created mood board.

The Medium and the Message

RADIO DOWNTOWN designer, Ryan Gamblin, talks to Extended Play editor Faith Zamblé about sound, simulations and community across time.

Introducing Access Dramaturgy

Alison Kopit, Ann Marie Dorr, and Maggie Bridger weave visions of accessible and creative theatrical futures, hinging on a new mode of working called “access dramaturgy.”

SEX VARIANTS: A Sprinkle of History

In the SEX VARIANTS program note, New Work Program Manager Melissa Hardy outlines the historical context of the play, explaining how the original source material intersects with the world of science–specifically, ideologies rooted in sexology… and eugenics.

SEX VARIANTS: Jan Gay Fan Club

In the following interview with historian Michael Waters, we explore the life and times of one of queer history’s forgotten figures: the translator, researcher, dancer, and ethnographer Jan Gay.