Articles by this author

SEX VARIANTS: Jan Gay Fan Club

In the following interview with historian Michael Waters, we explore the life and times of one of queer history’s forgotten figures: the translator, researcher, dancer, and ethnographer Jan Gay.

Antigone in the Amazon

ANTIGONE IN THE AMAZON had its U.S. premiere at NYC’s Skirball Center in September 2024. The questions Milo Rau raises with his company of actors and performers are not easy, but they are poignant.

The State of Our Union

EP editor Faith Zamblé offers an analysis on trends in non-profit theater and strategies for how the industry might evolve, Cosmo-style.

Notes from a Talkback

Martha Redbone and Aaron Whitby’s newest piece, CONVERSATIONS, is a study in the possibilities of musical storytelling.

All Applications Go to Heaven

Phoebe Corde and Faith Zamblé offer insight into writers group applications, sharing tips and ideas for future applicants and new writers.

How to be a Civilian

A series of recipes and instructions modeled (lightly) after Yoko Ono’s “Grapefruit.”

Here’s to The Ladies.

This year’s gala highlights the work of playwright Anne Washburn and actress Quincy Tyler Bernstine, two women near and dear to the Civilians’ ethos and oeuvre. In light of this, we are revisiting one of their early collaborations: THE LADIES.