At Home and in Lockdown with Belarus Free Theatre

Arts journalist and filmmaker Verity Healey speaks with members of the Belarus Free Theatre to discuss how making art in exile has prepared them for making theater during a pandemic.

Working from a Place of Courage

Ten years after “The Great Immensity,” received a National Science Foundation grant that drew the ire of Congressional Republicans, The Civilians’ Artistic Director Steve Cosson discusses the complicated relationship between the government and arts organizations.

Civilians’ R&D In Process: Michael Alvarez on Transcendent Theatre

In our R&D In Process Series, members of our 2019-20 R&D Group take us behind-the-scenes of their projects in development. Today, Michael Alvarez reflects on the need for innovative uses of space in contemporary theater, and his work on Jason Tseng’s immersive play “Sanctuary.”

Director Whitney Mosery

Civilians’ R&D In Process: Directing Theater Now

In our R&D In Process Series, members of our 2019-20 R&D Group take us behind-the-scenes of their projects in development. Today, Whitney Mosery discusses directing theater in an uncertain moment and her work on Kate Douglas and Grace McLean’s musical “Against Women & Music!” It will receive a work-in-progress showing on June 29 at 3pm.

