Extended Play: 10 Years of Theater Beyond the Theater
In this installment of our 20/20 Series honoring the 20th Anniversary season of The Civilians, we reflect on our ten years of investigating, publishing, and curating theater journalism.
In this installment of our 20/20 Series honoring the 20th Anniversary season of The Civilians, we reflect on our ten years of investigating, publishing, and curating theater journalism.
A look at a selection of the plays livestreaming as part of the Roma Theater Retrospective 2021, the stories they tell, and the Roma theatermakers behind them. Watch the plays via HowlRound between November 29 and December 10.
Noémi Herczog shares insights into Roma theater and representing Roma identities on European stages in this article about Independent Theater Hungary and its annual Roma Heroes International Theater Festival.
This year’s Prelude Festival at the Segal Center offered a range of free performances, panels, and talks online including plays by Sybil Kempson, A Host of People, and members of the Hatch Arts Collective.
Originally published on HowlRound, Jen Marlowe writes about her organization Donkeysaddle Projects’ work with her play THERE IS A FIELD and how it has helped illuminate intersecting experiences of state violence and structural inequality in the United States and Israel.
A group of Lebanese artists with Golden Thread Productions in San Francisco as well as Al Madina Theatre and The Legal Agenda in Beirut present a theatrical reading of verbatim testimonies of the Beirut explosion of Aug. 4, 2020. Following the reading, the panel discussed processing that trauma and the role of art.
Giving Birth, an interview-based devised play co-created by Zhiyong Zhao and Mulan Community Service Center, centers the authentic accounts of a group of female migrant workers in Beijing on the pain of childbirth.
Composer Michael Friedman’s sister Marion Friedman Young, and the executor of his estate, reflects on her role in preserving her brother’s work in an evolving field. Reposted from American Theatre with permission from Theatre Communications Group.
The Civilians discusses expanding accessibility, inclusivity, and experimentation in (post-)pandemic theater with Cortland Nesley, neurodiversity consultant for the recently extended show Black Feminist Video Game.
Speaking with R&D Group member Emily Lyon about the company’s classic play initiative.
Meet the new creative minds supporting Extended Play.
In this essay, Amelia Parenteau explores what we can learn from career transitions between medicine and theatre.
Using voices from the past, artists from the Commissary in conjunction with the Vineyard Theatre find a way to energize their work in the present.
Read the latest news surrounding the world premiere cast recordings of “(I Am) Nobody’s Lunch” and “Paris Commune.”
As Philadelphia attempts to achieve inclusion and equity for black creatives, Dezi Tibbs interviews BIPOC Philly artists about visions for the future and the creation of The Black Theatre Alliance of Philadelphia.
Copyright © Extended Play 2014